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How to Make Your athenahealth EMR More Patient Friendly

How to Make Your athenahealth EMR More Patient Friendly

on July 15, 2021 | By The InteliChart Team

In today’s complex healthcare environment, patient needs are changing all the time. Modern healthcare consumers not only want but expect seamless digital experiences from their providers. Amid evolving patient expectations and the rise in retail clinics offering more convenient care experiences in their communities, healthcare practices must seek out more creative ways to engage and empower their patients.

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Is Your Patient Portal Built for Your Patient’s Convenience?

on August 20, 2020 | By The InteliChart Team

These days, nearly every healthcare practice uses some type of portal to engage patients and improve health outcomes. A recent survey revealed that 90 percent of healthcare organizations offer portal access to their patients. However, despite this widespread adoption, the same survey found that less than one-third of patients actively use the portal available to them.

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Beyond Social Distancing: How to Protect Vulnerable Patients

on July 7, 2020 | By The InteliChart Team

Now well into the COVID-19 pandemic, life is very different than it once was. Social distancing guidelines are anticipated to remain in effect for quite some time. As stay-at-home orders are lifted, vulnerable patient populations may still be cautious about going out—even for essential services such as grocery shopping and doctor’s appointments.

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