Patient Engagement Blog

InteliChart's patient engagement blog for the latest news, info & tips on how to improve patient outcomes and keep your practice profitable.

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Comparison Guide: InteliChart’s Patient Schedule vs. The Others

on July 26, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

According to a recent study, 80% of patients prefer a physician who offers online scheduling. Although many health IT vendors claim their scheduling technology is self-service, patients often discover otherwise. Limited functionality and outdated integration methods hinder real-time scheduling and frequently lead to inconveniences and bottlenecks for all involved. Fortunately, InteliChart’s Patient Schedule offers exactly what it promises – a truly convenient self-scheduling experience that drives new patient acquisition and satisfaction, while automating appointment management for staff. Let’s explore what your patients and staff can expect with the InteliChart’s Patient Schedule versus other patient engagement vendors.

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patient engagement platform

What is a Patient Engagement Platform?

on May 21, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

A patient engagement platform is a software solution designed to empower patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey and enhance communication between patients and healthcare providers. These platforms can vary in functionality and scope, and offer solutions that simplify the healthcare experience such as online scheduling, 24/7 access to medical records, digital intake forms, two-way online communication with providers, easy access to educational resources, and other self-management tools.

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Comparison Guide: InteliChart’s Patient Intake vs. The Others

on April 1, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

According to a recent survey of 1,000 patients conducted by InteliChart, 68% of patients prefer to fill out intake forms online. Although many health IT vendors claim their technology can digitize and streamline the entire intake process, there are often hidden limitations caused by outdated integration methods, technology that doesn’t work well together, or a lack of self-service customization options. Fortunately, InteliChart’s Patient Intake offers exactly what it promises – a truly customizable intake experience that can eliminate the use of paper forms for good. Let’s explore what your patients and staff can expect with the InteliChart’s Patient Intake versus other patient engagement vendors.  

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EHRs and patient engagement

Should EHR Companies Build Their Own Patient Engagement Platform?

on March 28, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have transformed the landscape of care delivery, assistinghealthcare organizations in efficiently documenting clinical encounters and overseeing patient records. Nonetheless, as patients take a more active role in their healthcare journey, EHR vendors are under increasing pressure to adapt their systems to prioritize the needs of today’s healthcare consumer.

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patients scheduling appointments

Strategies to Maximize Patient Appointment Scheduling

on March 11, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

A critical, yet often-overlooked component to successful practice management is patient scheduling. Done correctly, it ensures a smooth flow of patients throughout the day with few backlogs or gaps and increases revenue. Done poorly, it results in angry patients, wasted time, stressed staff, and rushed appointments.

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patient satisfaction

Why Improving Patient Satisfaction is More Than a CAHPS Score

on February 27, 2024 | By The InteliChart Team

In the landscape of healthcare quality assessment, traditional metrics like CAHPS survey scores have long been the gold standard for evaluating patient satisfaction. However, relying solely on these standardized surveys may overlook crucial aspects of a positive patient experience, leading to an incomplete understanding of satisfaction levels.

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Boost Your Flu Vaccination Rates

Using Automated Campaigns to Boost Your Flu Vaccination Rates

on December 5, 2023 | By The InteliChart Team

According to the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, flu progression in the Southern Hemisphere is a good predictor of our flu season in the United States. This year, flu season spiked early in Australia, which may indicate we’re in for a wave of cases soon. For healthcare leaders, this means mobilizing resources swiftly to curb the impact. As healthcare professionals, you have a pivotal role in safeguarding your patients' health, and one crucial way to do this is by increasing flu vaccination rates. In this blog, we'll explore a dual approach to achieving this goal: quick, straightforward strategies that require minimal preparation, and technology-enhanced methods that harness the power of innovation for even better results.

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Using Patient Engagement Technology to Maximize CHC Funding

on December 4, 2023 | By The InteliChart Team

Community health centers (CHCs) provide accessible, affordable healthcare to more than 30 million people in the U.S. These clinics are crucial for providing community-based healthcare, helping to improve population health, advance health equity, and increase patient access to both primary and preventative care. Since annual federal funding is a lifeline for these centers, it is imperative they make the best use of every penny. To that end, now is the time to explore innovative avenues to enhance center operations and streamline labor to deliver optimum care.

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The Unfortunate Tale of Frankensystems and Staff Burnout

on October 27, 2023 | By The InteliChart Team

In the first installment of this series, we examined how patching together disparate patient engagement solutions to satisfy the demands of the modern patient-consumer can mistakenly create a ‘Frankensystem’ that results in disjointed, frustrating experiences for patients and staff. Our second installment followed two fictious patients through their care journey – one who used a Frankensystem and a second that used a patient engagement ‘Masterpiece,’ a cohesive platform of solutions designed to work together from the beginning. We learned how technology can have a profound impact on the patient experience and patients’ decision-making about returning to a provider for care. This final installment in the series will take a closer look at the toll Frankensystems take on the staff that must use them. To that end, we’ll be following the experiences of two healthcare professionals: Franchesca and Mariana. Franchesca’s office uses a Frankensystem while Mariana’s office uses a Masterpiece.

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