Wendy Bartlett

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This Month’s Healthcare IT News: Healthcare Consumerism

on September 22, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

In recent years, we’ve seen the steady rise of healthcare consumerism, or the enabling of patients to become more involved in their care decisions. The emergence of new healthcare IT tools and ever-evolving care landscape have transformed the industry, empowering consumers to step up and take their health into their own hands.

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4 Tips for Managing the Patient Journey Remotely

on September 10, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

COVID-19 has changed nearly everything about our daily lives, from the way we shop and socialize to how we approach healthcare. For providers and their practices, the global health crisis has rapidly accelerated the need for remote patient care tactics. The question is, what can healthcare practices do to engage patients and keep them up to date during such unprecedented times?

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Patient Engagement Isn’t Just a Provider Initiative—EHR Vendors Need to Pay Attention, Too

on September 8, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

Electronic health records (EHRs) play a vital role in modern healthcare. EHR vendors develop their systems to facilitate tools providers can use to document their clinical encounters and manage the patient record. In recent years, EHR vendors have also been looking to serve the patient in terms of new technologies to keep them wired into their health and associated providers.

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This Month in Healthcare IT News: Telehealth

on June 23, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

These days, telehealth is all the rage. Before COVID-19, both patients and providers were hesitant to embrace virtual care services. Now that the global health crisis has accelerated telehealth’s growth, healthcare IT experts believe it’s here to stay. In fact, the telehealth market in the U.S. is expected to surpass $25 billion within the next five years.

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How to Analyze (and Simplify) Your Healthcare Technology Stack

on June 18, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

As it turns out, there can be too much of a good thing. Technology has transformed the healthcare industry, allowing providers to reduce treatment costs, work more efficiently, and improve patient outcomes. However, the rapid acceleration of the healthcare tech industry has resulted in a number of different tools that providers need access to keep up in the modern age.

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6 Healthcare Tools to Simplify Physician Practice Workflows

on June 16, 2020 | By Wendy Bartlett

Complex physician practice workflows are not only stressful for medical staff, but also have a negative impact on patient outcomes and satisfaction. Healthcare organizations need access to digital tools to simplify workflows and improve organizational efficiency—but some solutions are more effective than others, and choosing the right tools for your practice can be daunting.

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