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The Complete Guide to Simplifying Practice Workflows

Save Time & Improve the Patient Experience

Electronic Health Record (EHR) technology was first introduced in its earliest form in the late 1960s as one of the first attempts to streamline practice workflows. Although EHRs have evolved tremendously since then, the reality is that they are still terribly inefficient. 

If you’re struggling with complex workflows in your practice, we’ve created this guide to walk you through everything you need to know to make real, meaningful change that translates to better patient care. 

Read The Complete Guide to Simplifying Practice Workflows to learn:

  • Common workflow challenges that healthcare organizations face
  • How complex workflows impact both your patients and practice
  • What it takes to streamline practice workflows and become more efficient
  • How to get buy-in from key practice stakeholders
  • Which technology solutions are necessary to drive change

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